Logistic Support Analysis

Logistic Support Analysis comprises six main areas.:
RAM – Reliability Availability, Maintainability
FMEA – Failure Modes Effects Analysis
FMECA – Failure Modes Effects Criticality Analysis
RCM – Reliability Centred Maintenance
LORA – Level Of Repair Analysis
LCCA – Life Cycle Cost Analysis

LSA software is available to help automate the LSA process:
Logistic Support Analysis Software: eLSA

Logistic Support Analysis Record Software: LSAR

Aug 312016

Life Cycle Cost Analysis
The Real Cost of a Materiel System
Costs can be attributed to three major factors:

  •  Technology Lead
  •  Time In-service
  •  Technology Lag

Technology Lead
To achieve a technological edge, significant funds are invested in research and development (R&D).
This can lead to increased risks and hence costs and cost blow-outs.
There is a significant difference between ‘Leading edge’ and ‘Bleeding edge’ and development costs will generally be reflected in ‘Leading edge’.

Time In-service
The heavy investment in seeking leading edge technologies demands an effective return on investment.
This can lead to Materiel Systems being kept in service longer than equivalent commercial equipment.

Technology Lag

Towards the end of the capabilities life, support costs can significantly increase.
This can create problems in the identification of replacement Mission Systems.

Life Cycle Costing

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) Analysis comprises estimation and analysis techniques applied to the financial management of a capability.

It provides for the structured collection, analysis and presentation of Life Cycle Cost LCC data, to assist in decision making for mission system capabilities

When done well, LCC provides the evidence to support the expenditure on the capability.

Aug 312016

Materiel Life Cycle

The life cycle phases are:

  •  Needs
  •  Requirements
  • Acquisition
  • In-Service
  • Disposal

The Needs Phase
The Materiel Life Cycle (MLC) starts when the capability gap is identified and a materiel solution is required.

The Requirements Phase
Proposals are developed for Government consideration.
This is generally a Two pass approval system:

  •  1st Pass Approval to investigate possible solutions
  •  2nd Pass Approval given to acquire (money is usually assigned at this point)

The Acquisition Phase
Acquisition is the process of procuring an appropriate materiel system:

  •  to meet the identified requirements
  •  value for money over the life of system
  • includes the Mission and Support Systems

Transition Into Service
Transition Plan – addresses transfer of:

  •  ILS procedures & resources
  •  management responsibility

Acquisition ILS Manager to In-Service Support providers and the Project Office

In-Service Phase
The In-Service phase generally starts when the supplier delivers a materiel system.

In-Service support aims to:

  • Optimise cost of ownership
  • Ensure the capability remains fit for purpose

The Disposal Phase
Disposal is to be carefully considered, taking into account:

  • financial, environmental, security, archival, safety, and
    third-party transfer issues, e.g.
  • Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
  • International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITARS)