Cost Analysis

Level of repair Cost analysis determines Whether maintenance should be performed; which includes all costs incurred:

Aug 312016

Level of Repair Analysis

What is Level Of Repair Analysis?

Level Of Repair Analysis combines two elements:

  •  Cost Analysis
  •  Repair Level Analysis

Cost Analysis determines Whether maintenance should be performed; which includes all costs incurred:

  • to establish and utilise a repair venue
  • the tooling required for the repair
  •  the skill of the repairer
  • in obtaining the Training required in order to perform the repair
  • in the Rates of pay of personnel conducting the repair
  • in the Cost of conducting the repair – i.e. time
  • in the Cost of the repair parts
  • in the Transport costs of getting the equipment to and from the repair base
  • in Other overheads

Repair Level Analysis (RLA) determines Where the maintenance should be performed; this in turn determines where the equipment can be repaired:

  • Operational/Organisational Level Maintenance •Light Grade Repair
  • Organic (On-board ship)
  • On the Flight Line


  • •Intermediate Level Maintenance •Medium Grade Repair – Mobile workshop
    •External (Along side dock )


  • •Deeper/Depot Level Maintenance •Heavy Grade Repair
    •Contractor (External )
    •Maintenance Depot

Level of Repair Analysis Software : eLORA